This is the stacktrace I'm getting after invoking WS with security enabled.ġ6:42:34,834 ERROR Internal error occured handling inbound message: It's placed in META-INF, same folder of server side keystore/trustore jks. This is placed in META-INF folder, inside an external jar (I mean, META-INF folder is not included in the project ear itself, but inside an external jar that is included into the correspondent ear). Same as in client side: both keystore and trustore contained in the same jks. Key identifier type: Subject key identifier The content of this file is the following:Ģ) Soap-ui Outgoing WS-Security Configuration These are the corner-stones of my client-server pair.īoth are included in the same jks. I must add that I'm creating keystore/trustores through KeyTool IUI. Then, I suspect the issues could be arising in the keystore/trustore (both in client and server side) and wsse.xml file in server side. I'm using soap-ui to test my WS with some Outgoing WS-Security Configuration. Anyway, I've the following problem:Īs I'm trying to use WS Security with signed request/response soap messages, therefore I've included jks keystores/truststores in both client and server side. I don't know if this question has been asked before (it seems so, but there was almost no answers for it).